Registration 2024-2025

Register here for U5 and U21 - Chestermere Minor Hockey : Powered by GOALLINE
If you are brand new to hockey go to link below & take the Respect in Sport Parent Course
and if you are applying for outside funding - DO IT NOW
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Hockey Canada Foundation ( Former Lace Em Up)
Registration opens June 1st to all eligible families living within the defined CMHA boundaries and close Aug 15th.
Anyone registering after Aug 15th will be put on a waiting list.
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But before you can do this, there are a couple of things you need to do first.
- *** All families are required to carry a 2024-2025 CRCA Membership which will be avaliable for purchase on the link provided
- Hockey Alberta has made it mandatory for you to re-certify the Respect in Sport Parent course every 4 years. To check your expiration date you need to do the following
- sign in to your Respect Group Account
- once logged in the date of expiration and the date of certification are both shown on the dashboard which is on the home screen of your profile.
DO NOT RE-CERTIFY BEFORE MAY 1st. The system will reset on that date so complete the course or re-certification after May1st.
We require a Parent Declaration Form | Hockey Alberta and up to 4 items of proof of residency sent to our Registrar at
If there is a cause for suspicion, additional documentation/information may be required.
Examples of Proof of Residency are :
- Driver’s License for Father
- Driver’s License for Mother
- School registration at a school in or near the residence for the current year
- Proof of mail delivery by Canada Post at residence (Box numbers are not acceptable)
- Telephone bill for land line service at residence
- Cable or Internet bill for service at residence
- Utility bill for service at residence
- Lease agreement for residence in parent(s) name(s)
- Current property tax notice in parent(s) name(s)
- Homeowner/Renter’s insurance policy for residence
- Void cheque with residence address
- Vehicle registration with residence address.
- Any other documentation which supports your claim to residency at the address
If you plan to volunteer as Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, or Bench Staff for your child's team - you also need to register online on "COACH APPLICATION" the same way!
Our data is only as good as it is entered so please check and double check what you enter. It is overwriting the current information in the system.
(excludes U5 & U21)
A deposit of $250 is mandatory at time of registration. Payable online only at time of registration by credit card.
Remainder of fees can be cheque or credit card (which needs to be set up at time of registration). If you are NOT paying by cheque please be advised that you are automaticlly set up for Auto Payments on the First of every month, listed below, on the same credit card used at registrtion to pay the mandatory $250 deposit. No further actio9n is required from you.
If you choose to pay by POST-DATED CHEQUE DATES are
Credit Card deposit of $250 – Divide remainder of fees by:
3 cheques dated SEPT. 1, OCT. 1 & NOV. 1 or
5 cheques dated Aug. 1, SEPT. 1, OCT. 1, NOV. 1 & DEC. 1
The last cheque dated no later than December 1.
CMHA can extend payments BUT MUST be discussed with the Registrar.
Fees include: Individual & team picture and team socks. Fees do not include tournament costs.
A player’s division (Initiation, Novice, etc.) is determined by birth year. See chart below.
Hockey Alberta has created new pages detailing the tryout process for players wishing to pursue Male AAA/AA hockey. Along with the creation of these pages, updates have been made to simplify the tryout process for players, including the removal of the Male Elite Notification of Tryout form.
Players will no longer be required to submit a NTO to tryout for AA or AAA, instead, they will only need to register with their Elite Draw Zone association/AA Recruitment Area association, from there, the onus will fall to AAA/AA association to communicate a full list of players trying out to resident MHAs with players attending tryouts.
If you make the team you are trying out for then you must notify the Registrar @ Chestermere Minor Hockey in writing for a FULL refund.
Chestermere Minor Hockey recognizes some families will have financial difficulties and may require assistance. Here are some areas to apply for assistance.
There is also CMHA Shorthanded Fund . Check our policies online.
KidSport™ Canada (
Home | Jumpstart (
Hockey Canada Foundation ( Former Lace Em Up)

Player Equipment List
- Hockey Skates
- CSA Approved Hockey Helmet with full Face Mask/Cage
- Neck Guard
- Shoulder Pads
- Elbow Pads
- Hockey Gloves
- Jock or Jill
- Hockey Pants
- Shin Pads
- Hockey Stick
Hockey bag
How to Fit your Helmet
When it comes to purchasing a new helmet, fit and protection are crucial.While some helmets offer varying degrees of protection, it's important to find the one helmet that not only meets all current safety standards, but also fits you best. Once you have found the right helmet for you, you can play with more confidence.
- The best way to help prevent head injuries is to ensure your helmet is properly fitted to the contours of you head, enabling the technology to do its job.
- A proper fitting helmet should fit snuggly on the head and not move or rotate laterally or vertically.
- Chin straps should be securely fastened so the helmet does not move forward or backward, preventing the helmet from doing its job properly should you take a spill and hit your head.
- If your chosen helmet has a V-shaped strap under each ear, make sure they are adjusted to sit snugly just under your earlobe.
How to Fit your Skates
Hockey is about skating. A proper fit is paramount to achieve maximum comfort and maximum performance on the ice.AVOID buying with the notion of getting skates to grow into. The end result is a poor fit, discomfort & higher liklihood of injury.
- Start by ensuring your heel is locked in place and not slipping inside.
- Your toes should just be feathering the end of the skate
- Make sure the skate is a snug fit around the foot so that the foot does not move inside the boot.